DIY Marble Paper

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Following on from the image I found the other day I decided that I'd give marbling a go!

I found inspiration from a few other blogs out there with the suggestion of using nail varnishes, weird huh, but it actually works a treat and if you have old varnishes lying around then why not make better use of them. It's actually super simple to do this, a tad messy, but then isn't art suppose to be!

Materials that you'll need: Tray, water, nail varnishes, paper, nail polish remover (it gets messy!) and something to swirl the paint about, I used some cocktail sticks.

Then get ready to work fast as the varnishes can set quite quickly when you drop them into the water. I also found that some varnishes contained a plastic content so it would leave a film on the water, but you can scrap this off in between marbling.

Drizzle the varnishes into the water and using the stick, or just gently shake the tray, create your paint patterns and merge the colours together, then lower your paper into the tray, lightly tap it down and slowly peel it off the water to reveal your marbling!


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